Conca dei Marini
11 giugno 2011 - ore 20,35

This magnificent seaside village, with its three miles of coastline, exclusive residence of artists, writers, directors and prominent figures from the international scene, is today a tourist resort well known for its excellent accommodation, the crystal sea and healthy climate.
This magnificent bay is characterized by dense sea blue, to harbors, bays and sudden leap, in the sixties-seventies counted among its most loyal regulars Carlo Ponti and Sophia Loren, lambs, Moet et Chandon, Jakelin Kennedy and princesses of the Netherlands and of the England.
Conca dei Marini, the old "Cossa of the Tyrrhenian Sea ", which became a Roman colony in 481 BC, has been historically linked to the Amalfi: it was part of the territory of the Maritime Republic and was one of the main moorings, having a port protected. Famous for its arsenal, where they were built merchant ships, Conca could have a fully merchant who for years made her rich and opulent, well beyond the fortunes of Amalfi. Plundered and destroyed by Turkish pirates in 1543, followed over the centuries, the historical experiences of many other coastal towns all linked, more or less, the fate of the most famous Amalfi.